Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On Being Military

So, it's that time of year again. Military families all across the country are waiting for posting messages. Self-explanatory really. You're sitting at your desk.  A new email pops up and boom your whole family is uprooted. Everything changes. Well, not everything. You are, and always will be a military family.

There are some who scoff at the military. Cushy government job. Take time off whenever you want, weeks of vacation, pension, incentives... And, guess what? Is Chris at work? Nope. This very minute Chris is sitting at a kindergarten lunch table with Caden, sharing a soggy ham sandwich, straight out of the lunch box Caden stepped on while getting out of the van this morning. Just another day in the life of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. Cushy, eh?

Here's the kicker. It's APS (posting season). Chris is due for a posting. Put yourself in his place for just a second. The view isn't so cushy now is it? There it is, on your computer screen. MOVE. NOW. The kids have friends, you love your new house, your spouse has a great job. Too bad. See ya! You have a week to find a place, four days to pack, load, move, unpack. Find a lawyer, doctor, dentist, bank, school, rink, pool, piano teacher, optometrist, register vehicles, provide immunization records, get your license changed, find a job, find a babysitter, find a friend.

Thank God Chris is quite sure he isn't posted out of Ottawa this year. And, "quite sure" is as good as it gets. I won't bother to jump on my soapbox to pontificate about deployments. Anywhere in the world, anytime, dangerous or not. Think of that when you turn on your computer tomorrow morning. Would you do it? Would you put your family through it? Hell no!

So, to my friends with deployed spouses and brand new babies, to my friend who manages to move every two years, run a business, write a book, and raise three incredible kids, I salute you. To my soul sister, who lives in a constant state of home improvement, just in case a message comes in, I love you. Don't let it get you down. Be proud. Be strong. And tell those boys they deserve to take a minute to stop and eat the soggy sandwiches!


  1. Amen, Sister!. We are about to leave a life that all 5 of us love and all of the roots that we have made here. And I love the word pontificate.

  2. I love you right back, Vic. Damn you, though... I'm feeling all weepy now! Sniff, sniff. Hope you stay where you're at and we come where you're to! xoxoxox
